English for kitchen and restaurant staff

English for kitchen and restaurant staff
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Evaluación de muestra
Unidad de muestra
Llibre físic
34,00 €
ISBN 9788417872922
Llibre media
21,00 €
Contingut digital complet i interactiu.
ISBN 9788418843143
Extensió digital
4,00 €
Afegeix el contingut digital complet i interactiu.
ISBN 9788418843143
Realitat Augmentada
0 €
APP de Realitat Augmentada disponible.
C. Prades
Isbn fisíc
Isbn llibre media
Taula de continguts

    1. The restaurant: layout and equipment

    2. Restaurant staff

    3. Good hygiene practices in restaurants

    4. Raw material supply: order, receipt and storage

    5. Different culinary techniques

    6. Back of house preparation: mise en place

    7. Setting up front of house and hosting

    8. The service

    9. Desserts and drinks

    10. Post service

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